Chimera Commands Index
solvate box|oct solvent_model box_size
solvate cap solvent_model center radius
solvate shell solvent_model thickness
The solvate command adds solvent around molecule models using
It is the command-line implementation of
Thanks to Wei Zhang for adding this command.
Explicit hydrogens are needed for solvent addition.
If the molecule model does not include hydrogens,
a dialog will appear to allow running
before solvent addition.
Deleting any existing solvent and ions and closing other molecule models is
recommended before solvate is run.
One of the following methods must be specified:
- box - rectangular box with edges no closer than
box_size (Å) to any atom in the solute
- oct - truncated octahedron with edges no closer than
box_size (Å) to any atom in the solute
- cap - spherical cap with the specified
center and radius (Å).
The center can be:
- a residue identified by the residue ID (starting from 1)
- an atom identified by a string like, where
ddd is the residue ID and xxx is the name of the atom
- shell - a layer of solvent extending thickness (Å)
from the solute. The shell will be irregular in shape since it
reflects the contours of the solute.
The solvent_model can be any of the following:
- CHCL3BOX - chloroform
- MEOHBOX - methanol
- NMABOX - N-methylacetamide
- POL3BOX - POL3 water model
- SPCBOX - SPC/E water model
- SPCFWBOX - SPC/Fw water model
- QSPCFWBOX - qSPC/Fw water model
- TIP3PBOX - TIP3P water model
- TIP3PFBOX - TIP3P/F water model
- TIP4PBOX - TIP4P water model
- TIP4PEWBOX - TIP4P/Ew water model
See the
documentation for further details.
See also: