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Tool: Basic Actions

Basic Actions is a simple graphical interface for showing, hiding, and changing the colors of named sets of atoms, their cartoon segments, and their molecular surface patches. See also: Actions menu, Color Actions, Selection Inspector, Molecule Display icons, show, hide, color, name, buttonpanel, making images

Like other tools, Basic Actions can be opened from the Tools menu (more...). The dialog contains tables in which the rows are sets of atoms:

Hide non-matching names filters out the sets with zero atoms in currently open structures.

Other than information on the sets of atoms, the columns in the tables are icons to show, hide, and color their different representations:

Atom Cartoon Surface

Clicking a show/hide icon or choosing a color acts on the specified representation of the atoms and shows the executed command in the Log. Clicking a name or a built-in specifier selects the set of atoms according to the current mode in the Select menu.

UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics / April 2021