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Command: resfit

resfit  atom-spec   map  map-model  [ residueRange  before,after] [ motionFrames  M ] [ pauseFrames  P ] [ movieFramerate  fps ]

The resfit command animates showing the fit of amino acid residues along a chain within a corresponding density map, using a slider interface. It only works on proteins, and requires the backbone atoms N, CA, and C to be able to act on a residue. See also: volume, fitmap, vseries, making movies


resfit /b:10-38 map #4
resfit #1/d map #3 res -2,2 motion 50 pause 100

Some or all of the residues in a single chain of an atomic model should be specified, along with the corresponding map model.

In the resulting slider interface, the slider can be dragged, a or a Residue number entered directly. The interface also includes a play/pause button, a    value to increase for slower playback, and a button for recording a movie (). Sequential integers are added to the movie filename (movie1.mp4, movie2.mp4, ...) so that repeated recordings will not overwrite the previous ones, and the save location can be set with the snapshot command. The movie will start at the current slider position, so to include the whole morph, place the slider at the far left before clicking the record button.

The Loop Playback setting in the slider context menu controls whether interactive playback should continue until explicitly paused (initially on). The Bounce Playback setting in the slider context menu is only available when Loop Playback is on, and controls whether looping wraps from end to beginning so that playback is only in the forward direction (initial setting, Bounce Playback off) or alternates between forward and backward (Bounce Playback on). These loop/bounce settings apply only to interactive viewing, not recording a movie with the button mentioned above.

Each residue is oriented and centered in the view, in turn. The residueRange option indicates how many flanking residues should be shown along with the featured residue (default -2,1, two residues before and one after), and map isosurface display is limited to a zone around the displayed atoms. Display styles and volume isosurface level are not affected by resfit and can be adjusted separately, e.g., with style and volume or the Volume Viewer tool.

During continuous playback, motionFrames M image update frames (default 50) are used to move from one residue to the next, and pauseFrames P (default 50) to stay on the view for each residue. The slider interface also includes a button (red dot) for recording a movie. The movieFramerate fps of a movie recorded with that button defaults to 25 frames/s.

A 2D label named resfit with the current residue name and number is displayed in the upper right corner of the main window; its color, size, etc. can be changed with the 2dlabels command.

UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics / September 2024