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Command: kvfinder

kvfinder  model-spec  [ probeIn  r1 ] [ probeOut  r2 ] [ removalDistance  d ] [ volumeCutoff  minvol ] [ gridSpacing  s ] [ showTool  true | false ] [ surfaceType  SAS | SES ] [ boxOrigin  x,y,z ] [ boxExtent  length | lx,ly,lz ]

The kvfinder command detects cavities or pockets in an atomic structure using KVFinder, a method based on surface shape, as described in:

parKVFinder: A thread-level parallel approach in biomolecular cavity detection. Guerra JVDS, Ribeiro-Filho HV, Bortot LO, Honorato RV, Pereira JGC, Lopes-de-Oliveira PS. SoftwareX. 2020 Jul-Dec;100606.
pyKVFinder: an efficient and integrable Python package for biomolecular cavity detection and characterization in data science. Guerra JVDS, Ribeiro-Filho HV, Jara GE, Bortot LO, Pereira JGC, Lopes-de-Oliveira PS. BMC Bioinformatics. 2021 Dec 20;22(1):607.

The kvfinder command installs and runs pyKVFinder locally. It is also implemented as the Find Cavities tool. The authors of KVFinder (at the Brazilian Biosciences National Lab) also provide a web service, but it is not used in the ChimeraX implementation. See also: measurements, Protein-Ligand Binding Sites tutorial, MOLE Channel Coloring tutorial, recipe for reading CASTp pockets

Conceptually, the KVFinder method uses two spherical probes to identify cavities:

PDB HET residues (solvent, ligands, and ions) are ignored. KVFinder calculates the volume and surface area of each identified cavity, given the parameters above, and reports them in the Log. Cavities with volume less than volumeCutoff minvol (default 5.0 Å3) are omitted from the results.

The cavities are discretized as points on a grid with gridSpacing s (default 0.6 Å). Using a smaller spacing gives a higher-resolution result, but can significantly increase the calculation time. These collections of dots are opened as (pseudo)atomic models in ChimeraX, each cavity as a separate submodel assigned a unique color.

The showTool option indicates whether to also tabulate the results in an interactive cavity list (default true).

By default, the entire macromolecular surface will be examined. However, the calculation can be limited to a rectangular box by specifying both of the following:

UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics / October 2024