Chimera Commands Index

( surfrepr | msms repr ) style model_number(s)

( surfcat | msms cat ) category_name atom-spec

The command surfrepr (msms repr) changes the surface representation, whereas surfcat (msms cat) is used to specify sets or categories of atoms that should be grouped for surface calculation purposes. See also: surface, split, transparency, the Actions menu, surface calculation failures and workarounds

Surfrepr changes the representation surface representation, of specified models to the specified style:

The model_number(s) should be preceded by #, as in a normal atom specification. If no model numbers are given, all surface models will be affected. Possible values for style are:
Surfcat creates groupings of atoms for subsequent surface calculations:

The atoms in atom-spec are assigned to a category named category_name. A category's surface can then be displayed with the command surface.

In many cases, the automatic categories suffice and surfcat is not required. Categories are mutually exclusive, that is, an atom can only be in one category at a time. When atoms are placed in a new category, they are subtracted from the category they occupied previously.

In the following example, the sidechains and backbone of a peptide are placed in separate categories, and a surface is shown for the sidechain portion.

open 1gcn
surfcat schain #0
surfcat bbone @n,ca,c,o
surface schain
In the next example, the structure has two DNA chains (E and F) and three protein chains (A-C).
Automatic categorization would put all of these chains in category main and enclose them in a single surface:
open 1tup; rainbow chain
To separately enclose the DNA and the protein:
surfcat dna nucleic acid
surf dna
To further enclose each protein chain separately:
surfcat one :.a
surfcat two :.b
surfcat three :.c
surf one | two | three