Chimera Commands Index
[ offset default | x,y,z ]
Rlabel displays labels containing residue name and specifier
for residues with any atom in
(Residue labels containing other information can be displayed using the
Actions menu.)
~Rlabel removes residue labels.
Label font and size can be set in the
Background preferences.
The offset keyword allows specifying an absolute offset
or a return to the default behavior, which depends on the
method of residue label positioning.
The word default can be truncated. An absolute offset is specified by
three comma-separated values x,y,z representing distances along the
X-, Y-, and Z-axes in the laboratory coordinate system:
- the X-axis is horizontal in the plane of the screen,
increasing to the right
- the Y-axis is vertical in the plane of the screen, increasing upward
- the Z-axis is perpendicular to the screen, increasing outward
(toward the viewer)
Negative distances can be used. Label offsets can also be adjusted
with the mouse.
The method of
residue label positioning
can be set in the
molecule model attributes panel
or with the command setattr.
Residue label position can be based on:
- the centroid of the displayed atoms in the residue (default method;
default offset 0,0,1)
- the centroid of the displayed backbone atoms
(mainchain atoms)
in the residue, and for residues without such atoms, the centroid of the
displayed atoms in the residue (default offset 0.5,0,0.5)
- the residue primary atom, generally
CA in an amino acid, C5' in a nucleotide, the first nonhydrogen atom in
residues of other types
(default offset (display_radius + 0.2),0,0.5, automatically
adjusted along with display style)
When ribbon is displayed instead of
mainchain atoms,
the mainchain atoms are considered displayed for the purposes of
computing centroids.
See also:
the Actions menu,