/ . / Morph / util.py
mapAtoms ( m0, m1 )
ValueError("no atom corresponds to %s" % a0.oslIdent() ) ValueError("no residue corresponds to %s" % r0.oslIdent() )
copyMolecule ( m, copyXformCoords=False )
Copy molecule and return both copy and map of corresponding atoms
waitForInput ()
Pop up a dialog and way for user to click okay
timestamp ( s )
findBestMatch ( input, choices )
ValueError( "\"%s\" is ambiguous" % input ) ValueError( "\"%s\" does not match any available choice" % input )
runMovie ( m )
mapResidues ( m0, m1 )
getAtomList ( rList )
Construct a list of CA/P atoms from residue list (ignoring residues that do not have either atom)